Does Weeping Moss Generate Oxygen?

Weeping moss produces oxygen in a significant amount. Oxygen is the byproduct of the photosynthesis process used by all live plants to produce food.

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The natural oxygen production process helps control the ideal oxygen level in the water, allowing marine life to thrive. Tank water has also become normal for the species.

Does Weeping Moss Generate Oxygen
Does Weeping Moss Generate Oxygen

The weeping moss plant helps in maintaining the chemical level in the water. It will enhance the water quality making the tank appear clean.

The growing CO2 level is consumed, and oxygen is released. The plant uses different types of chemicals to survive and produce food. Regular water changes are not needed when the weeping moss filters the substances.

Aquarium fish ultimately depends on the oxygen level of the water. In case of a drop in oxygen, the fish consume oxygen from the air.

When you see the shift in the behavior of the fish, it is a clear sign that the water is polluted and the oxygen level is going down rapidly.

Planting weeping moss in the tank cleans water, keeps the nitrogen level moderate, and allows the water to stay in balance condition.

Does Weeping Moss Generate Oxygen?

Yes. Like any other plant, weeping moss also uses CO2 to produce food using the photosynthesis method and releases oxygen in the process. The oxygen gets mixed with the water.

Besides that, the weeping moss also maintains the growth of chemicals and harmful substances. So, if you want to keep the oxygen level moderated in the aquarium, weeping moss would be the perfect choice for you.

Does Weeping Moss Need Oxygen?

Yes. Oxygen is vital to the survival of both animals and plant life. Without a sufficient amount of oxygen, the plant dies. Oxygen may not be required in large quantities, but zero oxygen level is also harmful to the plant.

Weeping moss is no exception for this. The plant needs oxygen to produce food and maintain its healthy growth. CO2 level makes the plant thrive quickly and occupy a large amount of it.

Is the Weeping Moss plant provide oxygen in 24 hours?

Weeping moss produces oxygen when they have photosynthesis process active. The plant does not perform the activities when there is no UV light source. In most aquariums, the light source is turned off at night to allow the fish to rest in the dark.

Keeping light on throughout the day affects the day cycle of the plant, making it challenging for the plant to fish survive.

Thus, the plant will have trouble generating food when the light is not on. So the weeping moss can’t produce oxygen for 24 hours. As a result, the weeping moss cannot deliver oxygen during this period.

Is Weeping Moss providing oxygen at night?

Weeping moss growth depends on how much food it produces through its natural process. The oxygen production process of the weeping moss depends on the photosynthesis process.

If you keep the moss in a separate tank where the UV light source is available 24 x 7, you can expect the plant to produce oxygen even at night.

When all the requirements are met, photosynthesis will go on, and oxygen will be released into the water.

Fish may feel stressed out if you put the light source on throughout the day and night. However, it is recommended that you use this formula when the weeping moss is kept in a separate tank where there are no other species.

The affecting life cycle of the fish will cause them to develop a health problem.

How to get more oxygen in Weeping Moss?

Health weeping moss is the primary requirement to increase oxygen. Moderate the water temperature, nitrogen level, and waste product produced by fish in the tank.

The leaves of the moss plant should be clean, and water must be transparent enough to pass the UV lights to the bottom of the tank where weeping moss is planted.

When the plant is active during the day producing food using the photosynthesis process, the plant will have a large amount of oxygen.

Suppose you mainly want to use the moss to generate oxygen in the tank and improve the water’s quality. In that case, it is better to keep the moss in floating condition. It will allow the weeping moss to stay near the surface and get maximum UV light.

Good water quality and sufficient UV light source are the two primary ingredients needed to thrive the weeping moss.

Is Weeping Moss make oxygen more than other aquarium Plants?

Not true. The Weeping moss does produce a good amount of oxygen, but it is not listed in the top plant. Oxygen generated by weeping moss is the byproduct of the natural photosynthesis process of the plant.

Thus, it is not the primary activity of the plant. Weeping moss also consumes a good amount of CO2 and many other nutrition. When they use these minerals to produce food, oxygen is released. There are many different plants known for having a high amount of oxygen.

List of the aquarium plant known for producing a high amount of oxygen.

  • Hornwort
  • Moneywort
  • Red Ludwigia
  • Anacharis
  • Jungle Vallisneria
  • Green Cabomba
  • Bacopa (Bacopa caroliniana)
  • Ludwigia Repens
  • Dwarf Sagittaria
  • Rotala Indica

What Aquarium Moss releases more oxygen?

Java moss is a sturdy plant that sustains in the changing temperature. Java moss is widely used in aquariums to control the oxygen level.

They increase and spread in the tank, making a large portion of the plant’s oxygen. Therefore, Java moss releases more oxygen than any other moss plant.

Does Weeping Moss need CO2 to grow?

CO2 is not the essential ingredient for the growth of weeping moss. CO2 speeds up the development and makes the plant develop more significantly in a short period. However, you should maintain the CO2 level at the lowest form to allow the plant to consume it and prosper quickly.

Can Weeping Moss grow without CO2?

Yes. Weeping moss doesn’t require CO2 as it is not the primary ingredient for survival. The plant needs sufficient UV rays to develop the food. CO2 contributes to promoting faster growth and making the plant thrive in the region.

Does Weeping Moss require clean water?

Mostly the weeping moss plant is found in the moving water. Water should be transparent enough to pass the UV lights. Dirt or waste product will affect the UV lights supply. If you have placed the plant at the bottom, the UV light may not reach the plant making it difficult to grow.

Ultimately, clean water is essential for all living beings. Plants are not exceptional. So keep the water in good condition if you want to support the healthy growth of the plant.

What toxins do Weeping Moss Release?

The weeping moss plant doesn’t release any harmful toxins in the water. In contrast, weeping moss plants clean the air and aquarium water. Plants consume carbon, nitrogen, and many other toxic chemicals found in the water.

They use it to produce food and release oxygen as a byproduct. The dying weeping moss needs more care as the plant leaves may get decorated and cause the water to become dirty. Other than that, the plant survives in various water conditions without harming the aqua life.

Is Weeping moss good for indoor air quality?

Yes. Planting weeping moss in the home will improve the air quality naturally. The plant is known for purifying the air by collecting CO2 from the air.

The nitrogen level stays in control when the weeping moss plant is active. Moisture in the air also stays in a balanced condition. Overall, there are many benefits that weeping moss offers to indoor air quality.

Does Weeping Moss give off more oxygen than grass?

Weeping moss and grass are entirely different than each other. The grass spreads in a large area that allows it to run the photosynthesis process extensively. It consumes more sunlight and produces more oxygen units than the weeping moss.

Also, the length of each grass leaf is more considerable than the weeping moss. It means the consumption of carbon is much higher than most plants. These factors make the grass more efficient in producing oxygen than the weeping moss.

What does Weeping moss do to the air?

Weeping moss left in the water indoors will consume the CO2 from the air and use it for the photosynthesis process. The natural process of a plant used for food production will enhance air quality.

Weeping moss performs the air cleaning naturally to improve the air. Nitrogen and CO2 are possible to reduce using the weeping moss plant.


Weeping moss is a great plant to keep the aquarium water-moderated. The oxygen level of the water will get enhanced, and you will have the opportunity to keep the water condition suitable for the aquarium fish.

By Uswatta Liyanage

Hello. I'm Uswatta Liyanage from Galle, Sri Lanka. I am the founder of this website. Since my childhood I'm an aqua plant lover and I have professionally learned more about aqua plants. So I created this site for share my knowledge and experience with all of you. Now you can refer my site and feel free to contact me if any inquiry.