How Can I Grow Christmas Moss on Substrate?

The Christmas Moss or the Christmas Tree Moss is a Native plant to the Tropical Asia and mostly grows on wet surfaces. These plants grow nearby to the streams, river Banks, Rocks and the Forest Trees.

This plant is around 03 to 04 inches tall, has fir like leaves and has branches that are similar to that of a Christmas tree.

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Currently these plants are very much in use in the Aquascaping Business and is mainly used in the decoration of fish tanks and Aquariums.

How can I grow Christmas moss on substrate
How can I grow Christmas moss on substrate

When using these Mosses in the Tanks or Aquariums, you should find the best substrate suitable on them. A Substrate which is not suitable on these plants will tend to kill these plants.

How Can I Grow Christmas Moss on Substrate?

Attaching Christmas Moss to the Substrate of your tank, will mostly tend to kill these plants. Therefore it will be best to attach these Mosses to Driftwood, Wood, Rocks, and Stones or even kept floating on the top of the tank which will be one of the best methods to have a fast growing Christmas Moss in the tank.

How Do I attach Christmas Moss to Wood?

Attaching the Christmas Moss to Wood will not be that Difficult. You can attach the Christmas Moss to the Wood using some mesh or a fishing line or glue the Moss to the Wood.

After a certain time period the roots will gradually hold towards the wood and help the Christmas Moss to grow over the wood.

How long does Christmas Moss take to attach to Wood?

The Christmas Moss will gradually attach itself in to the Wood after the root system of the plant develops. This will take around 03 to 04 weeks of time.

Can I Grow Different types of Mosses together on Wood?

Different types of Mosses can be grown together on the Wood in your tank. However if you are trying to have any other types of mosses along with the Christmas Moss it might not be that much of suitable.

Even though the Christmas Moss is identified as one of the slow growing mosses, they tend to spread itself almost everywhere in the tank even overtaking other plants and mosses in the tank.

You will always have to trim the Christmas Moss when having other Mosses in the tank than when having only Christmas Moss in your tank.

This will be very time consuming and also waste a lot of money out of your pocket.

Can I Glue Christmas Moss?

Yes, you can Glue the Christmas Moss to your tank or whatever you have in use to attach your Christmas Moss. However when using certain types of Glue such as the Super Glue you have to see that not all parts of the Christmas Moss meets with this Glue.

The Christmas Moss being a very gentle plant, as soon as it meets with Glue will tend to burn off and die. Therefore applying a very small portion of the glue in to the plant will be the most suitable.

Does Christmas Moss attach itself?

Yes, you can leave the Christmas Moss to attach itself on to the Driftwoods or Stones in tank. The roots of these Mosses will gradually attach themselves into these Woods and Stones.

As a helping hand you can tie these plants with some mesh or fishing line for the Christmas Moss to stay in place.

Can I Grow Christmas Moss on Driftwood?

Yes, you can grow the Christmas Moss on a Driftwood. The Christmas Moss can be attached to the Christmas Moss using mesh or a fishing line or else you can also use glue to attach the Moss to the Driftwood.

After a certain period of time, at around 03 to 04 weeks of time the roots of the Moss will gradually attach themselves to the Driftwood and spread throughout the wood covering it.

How do I prepare Driftwood for planting Christmas Moss?

The Christmas Moss can spread itself over a vast area covering almost everything that it meets.

Therefore when preparing the Driftwood for planting a Christmas Moss you should see that the wood is enough for the Christmas Moss to spread itself nice and beautifully. A trimming of the Christmas Moss will help to grow itself healthy on your Drift wood in the tank.

How can I attach Christmas Moss to Driftwood with Glue?

You can give a thorough cleaning to your Christmas Moss, see that the plant is dry enough to be attached with Glue, place the Glue on the Moss and gently place the Moss on the Driftwood.

After a day or two the plant will attach itself to the Driftwood.

What is the best Glue for use to attach Christmas Moss on Driftwood?

Among the Glue that can be used to attach the Christmas Moss to your Driftwood, Super Glue takes a prominent place. Super Glue will help the Christmas Moss to firmly attach on the driftwood without removing itself from it.

Does Super Glue kill Christmas Moss?

When Super Glue meets with your Moss the parts that are met with it will turn white in color and thereafter die out eventually.

Super Glue is one of the best ways to attach the Christmas Moss to your wood or rocks in the tank. Therefore when attaching these plants see that all parts of the plant are not met with Super Glue.

How do I attach Christmas Moss to Stone?

Attaching the Christmas Moss in to a stone and placing in the tank will not be that much of a difficult task.

If you are using fake Christmas moss plants in to your tank you can use superglue or any other type of glue to attach the Moss and place in to your tank. Also you can have them tied to the Stones.

When you are using a live Christmas Moss to your tank it would be better to attach the same with some mesh or fishing line until the roots of the moss spreads and attach itself to the Stone.

The Christmas Moss would eventually spread its roots throughout the stone and grow in it.

Can I Grow Christmas Moss on Rocks?

Yes, In their Natural Habitats as long as there are rocks with a wet surface they will grow all over it and spread through s vast Area.

Therefore they can be grown on the rocks and placed in to your fish tanks or terrariums. The Christmas Moss will cover a vast area of the rocks in your tank.

A proper trimming of these plants will help you have a nice looking Christmas Moss growing on the rocks in your tank.

Can I anchor Christmas Moss?

Yes, you can anchor the Christmas Moss in to the substrate of the tank or Aquarium. However this will necessarily not be required. The Christmas Moss will do well floating in the waters of your tanks even without anchoring.

As long as these plants receive water to their roots they will float in the tank and even grow faster.

Can I grow Christmas Moss in a Terrarium?

Yes, you can grow the Christmas Moss in the Terrarium. You can have this attached to a driftwood and placed in the terrarium, or else to rocks as well as a tree in the terrarium.

As long as the Christmas Moss receives the enough amount of light and a moist and wet surface, it will do fine in the Terrarium.

What is the best Aquarium plant to grow in a Terrarium?

There are several types of Aquarium plants that are best to be used in a Terrarium, they are,

Myriophyllum Aquaticum

This plant is also known as the Parrots Feathers and is also a type of weed. This plant needs a lot of light and a good Aquarium soil. This is one of the fast growing plants and a great Nutrient Sucker.

Fittonia Albivenis

This plant is very easy to be taken care of and does not require a high humidity. This plant cannot be fully submerged in the Water. A fully submerged plant will cause the plant to die.

Selaginella Erythropus

This plant is also known as the Ruby Red Club Moss. This plant has a very slow growth and is very easy to be taken care of. This plant had a unique look with an intense coloration. Also these plants do well in high humidity and low light.

Pteris Ensiformis

The Pteris Ensiformis is also known as the Silver Lace Fern. This plant grows up to 18 inches in tallness and grows in shady environments. These plants does not require a too much of light

Can I plant Christmas Moss in a Jar?

Yes, you can have the Christmas Moss planted in a Jar. The Jar can be filled with water or kept without water. As long as the surface of the Jar is always kept wet and Moist the Christmas Moss will grow.

This Jar should be kept in a place where it receives the enough amount of light and also see that the Jar is big enough with a wider opening ,so that is easy for the Christmas Moss to spread itself and easy to be taken in and out for trimming and cleaning.

Can I apply fake Moss to Wood?

Yes, you can apply a Fake Christmas Moss to your Wood in the tank.

But before adding these fake mosses you should see that the moss is properly attached to the wood with Superglue or any other type of attaching Glue. And also tie the Moss to the wood. This will help the Christmas Moss to stay in place without removing.

Or else a Fake Christmas Moss where there aren’t any roots to be attached towards the wood will remove away and float on the top of your tank.


The Christmas Moss is one of the best additions to your Aquarium or Fish Tank. Even though a small Christmas Moss plant does not add that much of beauty to your tank with time a well spread Christmas moss in your tank will add the tank with a lot of greenery and colour.

So why waiting for try a Christmas Moss plant added to your tank, which is easy to be taken care of as far as compared to other Aquatic plants and also add a beautiful look to your tank.

By Uswatta Liyanage

Hello. I'm Uswatta Liyanage from Galle, Sri Lanka. I am the founder of this website. Since my childhood I'm an aqua plant lover and I have professionally learned more about aqua plants. So I created this site for share my knowledge and experience with all of you. Now you can refer my site and feel free to contact me if any inquiry.