How to Grow Peacock Moss? (Complete Guide for Beginners)

Peacock moss is a creeping aquatic moss. Its fronds are iridescent blue-green, and it grows slowly across its substrate.

The Peacock spores are small, and their color is similar to that of a Peacock’s tail feathers. It grows slowly and prefers cooler temperatures, but it does not need water coolers.

Peacock moss is relatively easy to grow and requires low to medium light. It grows faster in an aquarium than in the wild. This moss is an excellent choice for dummies or low-tech aquarium systems.

How to Grow Peacock Moss
How to Grow Peacock Moss

It doesn’t require any fertilizer, and the rhizoids on its leaves already fill with water. There are a few different varieties of Taxiphyllum, including the ‘Flame’ variety, which has blue mixed with green foliage.

Table of Contents

How to Grow Peacock Moss?

Taxiphyllum species is one of the most popular types of moss. It has a soft and feathery appearance. This moss grows best in cooler water and is also tolerant of carbon dioxide in the water.

However, some people prefer growing this type of lichen on rocks and driftwood. These methods will help you grow your Peacock moss in a more natural setting.

High-intensity lighting will cause peacock fungus to grow smaller and with more triangular fronds. It prefers a cool, moist substrate and doesn’t need a lot of light.

Is Peacock Moss easy to grow in Aquarium Tanks?

Yes, it is easy to grow Peacock moss in the aquarium tanks. The name comes from its appearance – a bushy, volume effect. This type of moss is the easiest to maintain in a wide variety of tanks, including nano and frag-free tanks.

It grows very fast and is suitable for all types of fish and plants. It doesn’t require much care, and it can be sprigged to rocks and driftwood.

It also doesn’t require any special conditions and can be sown all over the aquarium, but it thrives in cold water. However, you must make sure that the water temperature is between 65-77 degrees Fahrenheit and the water pH should be between 5.0 and 7.5.

Tips to successfully grow Peacock Moss?

Growing Peacock moss is simple, but the key is knowing how to care for it properly. This plant spreads slowly across substrates due to its rhizoids, root-like appendages. The moss will thrive if kept in a planted tank and kept moist.

Taxiphyllum sp. Peacock moss grows best in cool water with a pH between 5.0 and 7.5. It also needs moderate to intense lighting. This moss prefers slightly hard water, moderate pH, and plenty of nutrients. In addition to providing a beautiful display for fish, it is easy to maintain.

The delicate emerald-green leaves of this species resemble small pine trees. Their branches are flattened and iridescent, which gives them an eerie, feathery appearance.

Growing methods of Peacock Moss

If you want to grow a large collection of Taxiphyllum species, you should start by choosing a good substrate and a high-quality aquarium plant food. You can also add a bit of CO2 to the tank to help the moss grow faster.

However, adding this ingredient is not necessary. A few drops of carbon dioxide will suffice. After that, your peacock moss will be ready to be displayed in your aquarium.

You can choose to grow Taxiphyllum in a planted tank, where the plant can absorb water and nutrients. If you decide to plant it out of the water, you must water it occasionally and keep it damp to help it grow well.

It is best to plant it fully submerged to get maximum benefits from it. If you do not have a planted tank, you can also grow Taxiphyllum in a terrarium. The best way to do so is to tear off a piece of stem with the leaf attached to it.

You can also manually tear the stems to get a small root ball. The root ball should be attached to the end of the piece. This will keep the moss fresh for years to come.

The moss is easy to propagate. It is best to plant peacock moss on the substrate and allow it to grow over time. Once the spores start to form, they can be tied to driftwood, rocks, or mesh. It can also be used to create dangling sphagnum.

Growing surfaces of Peacock Moss

“Peacock” moss is a popular choice for aquariums because it can grow on rocks and soil in moist conditions. Its growing surfaces are smooth and flat, making it an ideal substrate for a tropical aquarium.

When submerged, its shoots are about four to six inches long. When grown underwater, these shoots will not be longer than three inches. This creates an enticing look, which is appealing to fish. This moss is not as demanding as other mosses.

“Peacock” moss is a popular choice for aquariums because it can grow on rocks and soil in moist conditions. Its growing surfaces are smooth and flat, making it an ideal substrate for a tropical aquarium.

When submerged, its shoots are about four to six inches long. When grown underwater, these shoots will not be longer than three inches. This creates an enticing look, which is appealing to fish. This moss is not as demanding as other mosses.

The moss is easy to propagate. It is best to plant peacock moss on the substrate and allow it to grow over time. Once the spores start to form, they can be tied to driftwood, rocks, or mesh.

It can also be used to create dangling sphagnum. A gravel substrate is ideal for your peacock moss, but you can also put it in a rock-walled aquarium to increase the plant’s stability.

Depending on the size and condition of your tank, you can place it on a rock or driftwood. The moss will stick to the rock. When placed in loose form, it can cover a large part of the tank. Once it is established, the plant can be tied to a ledge.

Main growing problems of Peacock Moss

Incorrect caring methods

The moss needs a relatively cool environment between and a pH value of 5.0 and 7. And a temperature of 65-77 degrees Fahrenheit. Without the ideal conditions, the moss will perish.


The algae take up the minerals and clean water required for the growth of the Peacock moss, thereby diminishing its growth factors resulting in brown discoloration of the plant.

Turning brown color

When the moss fails to receive adequate minerals and clean water, it turns brown, which is not a good sign for the health of the plant.


At times when you buy peacock moss, you may get some unwanted snails attached to them. When unchecked, these snails pose a threat to both the fauna in the tank as well as the moss flora. They may eat the peacock moss when starved, resulting in the deformation and death of the moss.


A lot of factors result in the death of the peacock moss, like unclean water, not maintaining the pH value or temperature, letting in enemy fishes, and more.

Enemies’ fish

The enemy fishes like to feast on the moss, thereby eradicating its existence from the particular place. Therefore be wary of what fishes you want to pair with your peacock moss.

Is Peacock Moss a fast-growing plant?

Yes, it grows quickly. Peacock Moss is a popular choice among aquascapers. This moss is a very easy plant to propagate.

How can I make my Peacock Moss grow faster?

Adding CO2 to your aquarium is one of the best ways to boost the growth of Peacock Moss. While it is not necessary, it can help your plant reach a more optimal height.

When you use liquid aquarium fertilizers, they will help your plant grow. These plants also need a good amount of support. They can’t flourish in an artificial enclosure, so they should have a stable substrate to stand on. Using a substrate will help your moss grow faster.

Does Peacock Moss need Co2 for fast-growing?

The answer to this question is yes. The peacock moss variety grows quickly when boosted with CO2. It helps your plan grow quickly and reach maximum height.

How long Peacock Moss takes to grow?

If you want to start growing your Peacock Moss, you need to be patient and wait for it to reach the desired size. This plant is quite hardy and thrives in cold water.

If you place it in warmer water, it will wilt. Keeping the pH level between 5.0 and 7.5 is important for its growth.

The more light it receives, the faster it will grow. The higher the light, the smaller the fronds will be, and the longer the time it takes to grow.

During the spring and summer, it will form a dense mat that is ideal for the back wall of a diverse aqua terrarium.

Its growth rate depends on the amount of light available, but it can also grow well in low-tech systems and dummies. If you do fertilize it, you will notice better results.

How to Trim Peacock Moss?

The best way to maintain peacock moss is to trim the stems. The foliage is delicate and can be easily damaged or torn.

Once it has become too long, it may become unattractive. Once you’ve cut the stems back to a manageable length, you’ll notice a much more attractive display.

Fertilizers for Peacock Moss

Peacock moss generally does not require fertilizers for growth. They can grow in abundance on their own. If you want, you can add CO2 or liquid fertilizers containing nitrogen potassium phosphate to the plant to make it grow faster.

What are the correct parameters for successfully planting Peacock Moss?

  • Light: Not excessive
  • Temperature: 65-77 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Salinity: Thrives in freshwater or softwater
  • pH: between 5.0 and 7.5

Basic tips for maintaining Peacock Moss successfully

The following basic tips will help you maintain Peacock Moss Taxiphyillum Sp successfully. In addition to being easy to grow, it can be propagated from cuttings and is relatively quick to establish itself in its own home.

Moreover, it is also tolerant to moderate lighting and pH levels, making it an excellent choice for those with limited space.

Unlike some mosses, Peacock Moss is easy to maintain, as its growth habit resembles that of peacocks. This plant grows in cooler temperatures and doesn’t require fertilizer.

The Peacock Moss is an interesting plant to look at in a freshwater aquarium. Its soft texture and beautiful color will make the tank look alive. It is also a perfect habitat for shrimp and fish.

It’s an excellent choice for breeding tanks because it doesn’t require much care. It can survive in a variety of water chemistries and is quite hardy.


Known as “Peacock Moss,” Taxiphyllum sp. is a beautiful moss that grows in water gardens and aquariums. This moss resembles the tail feathers of a peacock and is easy to care for.

It grows in the cooler side of the spectrum and is relatively low-maintenance, making it a good choice for beginners.

You can grow it yourself for a lush, green background. If you’re looking to add some juvenile fish and shrimp habitat to your pond, you can use this moss to design a bog.

By Uswatta Liyanage

Hello. I'm Uswatta Liyanage from Galle, Sri Lanka. I am the founder of this website. Since my childhood I'm an aqua plant lover and I have professionally learned more about aqua plants. So I created this site for share my knowledge and experience with all of you. Now you can refer my site and feel free to contact me if any inquiry.