How to Grow Riccia Moss? (Guide for Beginners)

The Riccia Moss or also known as the Crystal wort or Riccia fluitans is a plant native to Europe, America, and Asia.

This plant is a foreground plant and grows very beautifully up to a height of around 03 to 05 cm tall. This is a very fast-growing plant and can be easily grown with propagation.

How to Grow Riccia Moss
How to Grow Riccia Moss

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How to grow Riccia Moss?

Riccia Moss is an easy and fast-growing plant. Therefore you can easily grow this plant in your tank or aquarium.

This plant requires a moderate to the high amount of light in the growth and this plant can be added as a carpet, attached to the wall of the tank, left floating at the top of the tank, or even attached to the stones, driftwood and even grown on the substrate in the tank.

Is Riccia Moss easy to grow?

Yes, compared to other mosses, the Riccia Moss has fast growth and certain minimum requirements in the growth. So yes the Riccia Moss can be easily grown within a tank or aquarium.

Main growing problems of Riccia Moss?

At times there might be certain difficulties in growing the Riccia Moss such as,

Incorrect caring methods

Compared to other aquarium plants and mosses the Riccia Moss requires only a minimum requirement of maintenance.

So when this proper care such as the sufficient amount of light, the proper amount of temperature, and proper cleaning and trimming of the plant is not done there will be certain health issues on the Riccia.

This might even cause the plant to die in the tank.


Algae is another problem that you will have to face with almost all kinds of aquarium plants in your tank.

Algae will start to grow in the tank when there is a nutritional imbalance in the tank.

So here it should be seen that the Riccia Moss in the tank receives only a sufficient amount of light or sunlight, proper and regular cleaning is given to the tank, and also there is a nutritional balance in the tank.


Snails are another problem in having aquarium plants in your tank.

Some of them may even harm the Riccia Moss in the tank. Even though these snails are not added to the tank on purpose they may come to the tank with other aquatic plants bought.

So you have to see that regular cleaning is given to the tank to get rid of these snails.

Turning Brown Color

When the Riccia Moss grows and is left without trimming for a longer time, the inside of the plant will start to change in color and thereafter spread throughout the plant causing the plant to decay.

And also at times, when the plant receives more amount of light these plants will change in color.


Not taking the proper care of these plants will also cause these plants even to die. Therefore you have to see that these plants are given the minimum and proper amount of care.

Enemies Fish

Enemy Fish can be identified as the tank mates in your tank which feed on Aquatic plants. If there are fish such as the goldfish in the tank they will eat the Riccia moss plants which will damage the plant.

Best growing methods of Riccia Moss

The Riccia Moss can be placed in any place in the Aquarium. This plant can be fixed to the side, bottom, or back of the tank which can thereafter be made into a wall or carpet.

The Riccia Moss does not require any substrate to attach it to. Even keeping these Plants submerged in the water itself will help them grow.

Growing surfaces of Riccia Moss

The Riccia Moss can be attached to the Fishtank or Aquarium in many ways.


The Riccia Moss can be attached to a Driftwood and placed in the tank.


Riccia Moss can also be attached to gravel on the surface of the tank, where the plant can be grown as a carpet at the bottom of the tank.


The Riccia Moss will also grow on rocks if its surface is wet for the plant to grow.

So you can try having some rocks in that tank having the Riccia Moss plant attached to them.

Floating in the tank

One of the main advantages of the Riccia Moss is it does not require a specific surface attached for its growth.

These plants can even be kept floating at the top of the tank which can also be used as a carpet for the tank.

Attached to the tank it self

Attaching the Riccia Moss to the tank itself can also be done. The Riccia Moss can be used as a wall on either side of the tank or as a carpet at the bottom of the tank.

How can I make my Riccia Fluitans grow faster?

Providing factors such as enough amount of light, be it sunlight or room light, the addition of fertilizer and CO2 to the plant can make the growth of the Riccia Moss much faster than the normal growth.

How long does Ruccia Fluitan take to grow?

The Riccia Moss is a very fast-growing plant, weeks within a couple of days to weeks, this plant can grow itself almost covering the other plants in the tank and thereafter covering the whole tank.

What are the correct parameters for successfully planting Riccia Moss?

The Riccia Moss like all other aquatic plants require a certain amount of care in its growth such as,

  • Light – These plants require a moderate to a high amount of light for growth.
  • Temperature – A temperature of around 68 degrees to 79 degrees Fahrenheit is required on these plants.
  • Salinity – These plants are freshwater plants and do not require a high amount of salinity in the water.
  • PH level – These plants require a PH level of 6 to 8.

How do you plant Riccia Fluitans tissue culture?

The Riccia Moss is very well known as a floating plant, so when planting the Riccia Moss, the tissue culture gel should be removed. This can be done by either soaking the plant in water or removing the gel with your hands.

How can I anchor a riccia fluitans?

You can use a fishing line and keep the riccia moss tied to anything at the bottom of the tank. Riccia Moss does not have any roots but will still grow.


The Riccia Moss is a plant that can be easily grown in your tank with the proper amount of care given. So you can have one of these beautiful-looking plants added to your tank today.

By Uswatta Liyanage

Hello. I'm Uswatta Liyanage from Galle, Sri Lanka. I am the founder of this website. Since my childhood I'm an aqua plant lover and I have professionally learned more about aqua plants. So I created this site for share my knowledge and experience with all of you. Now you can refer my site and feel free to contact me if any inquiry.