Is Java Moss Good for Guppies? (Useful Tips)

Is Java moss good for guppies? Java moss is widely found in aquarium plants in the world. It is easy to maintain and grows faster in any time of water condition. The plant is less tolerance to water contamination which makes it an ideal plant for beginners. It will provide a hiding place for the guppy.

Is Java moss good for guppies
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What kind of aqua plants do guppies like?

The plant makes it easy for the guppy to stay healthy. It depicts a natural environment where guppies can stay calm. The hiding place represents the living area where guppies can hide when they sense the predator around. Without the proper arrangement for the hiding place, the guppies develop stress and anxieties. Guppies love the plants in the aquarium.

The plant simulates the natural habitat where fish can thrive comfortably. Plants also help in cleaning the water by controlling CO2 levels. Additionally, the plant oxygenates the water. When the guppies are pregnant, they can lay fry on the java moss plants. The fry needs some time to get conscious and swim.

During this period, the java moss plant will keep them safe and secure. Without the plant, the babby guppies may get eaten by adult fish. The baby guppy can hide and cover themselves while they are growing and protect themselves.

Choosing the perfect plants for the guppies may not be that easy. Some plants may vitiate the health of the guppies. So you should be careful about the selection of the plant.

Following are the names of the plants make a great companion for the guppies.

  1. Java Moss
  2. Flame Moss
  3. Christmas Moss – Vesicularia Montagnei
  4. Anacharis Elodea Densa
  5. Water Sprite (Ceratopteris Thalictroides)
  6. Water Wisteria
  7. Java Fern – Microsorum Pteropus
  8. Greenpro Anubias Nana Potted

Is Java moss good for all types of guppies?

Java moss is a fantastic plant for building natural habitats for the guppies. The plant comes with varieties of structures. The small leaves, no stem, and beautiful looking flexible layer make it adaptable to all kinds of environments.

It is good for breeding guppies and provides the fry require living space. The fry will hide behind the plant when they are small and protect themselves from the predators.

The java moss plan does not require much bright light to have them under the moderated lighting condition. Java moss grows on any surface. When you put the plant on the rock, it takes the shape of the rock. Similarly, the java moss plant can be grown on a tree.

Attach the plant using the fishing line to the tree or make the carpet for the bottom of the tank. It will look brilliant in all the conditions.

Is it difficult to grow Java moss in a guppy tank?

Generally, the java moss grows quickly without needing much effort to maintain. When you have java moss in your tank with the guppies, you may have to take some of the precautions to safeguard their growth. Java moss has small size leaves, which are easy to eat for the guppies.

If you do not feed the guppies on time, they will nibble the leaves of the plant. It will reduce the growth of the plant, and eventually, it will die. So you should be careful about the changes in the aquarium due to the guppy’s activities.

Guide for plant Java moss in your guppy tank

Water Condition:

Java moss is a very tough plant and can grow in all kinds of water conditions. The ideal condition would be soft water with a controlled temperature between 21 to 24-degrees Celsius. The plant can tolerate the water temperature up to 30 degrees, but you should not make the plant stay at this temperature for a very long period.

The plant will start decaying, and it will turn yellow when it cannot produce sufficient food to survive. The warmer the water, the growth rate will slow down. The moderate water temperature of around 24-degree Celsius will help it grow faster and healthier.


Java moss plant doesn’t require the additional CO2 to grow, but you can use the CO2 in the pressurized container to speed up the growth. Normally, the java moss grows faster, so you do not have to put much effort into managing them.


Java moss doesn’t require strong lighting to grow. You can have moderated light to make it grow faster. The low light condition would make the java moss grow at a stable rate. The bright light may support the growth of the algae. Java moss plant will be covered in the algae, which may block the light and reduce the plant’s growth.

How to help Java moss for breeding guppies?

Java moss plant is an amazing resource when it comes to breeding guppies. The most challenging part of breeding is the protection of the fry. When the fry comes out of the womb of the fish, they are unprotected from the surrounding environment. Other fish may eat them as soon as they are born.

The java moss plant offers a sufficient hiding place for the fry before they start swimming by themselves. Use the fishing net to place the java moss in the tank on the rocks and trees. Create a hiding place so the fish can survive even there are larger fish in the tank.

Is Java moss safe for baby guppies?

One of the qualities that make the java moss most useful for the guppies is they offer the perfect habitat for newly born babies. The babies are protected when you have a java moss plant in the tank.

Another factor that makes the java moss good for the fry is they produce small size leaves, which can be eaten by the fry when they are small. It is safe for the guppies and their babies to eat them and get the required nutrition to survive.

Benefits of using Java moss for your guppy tank

Java moss offers several benefits to guppy and makes the aquarium more comfortable to living. Here are some of the top benefits of the java moss plant.

Oxygenate the water:

Java moss plant grows quickly and produces oxygen during this process. The water condition stays controlled when you have a java moss plant in the aquarium.

Control CO2 Level:

The java moss plant consumes CO2 found in the plant. The increase CO2 level may harm the health of the plant. Java moss plant uses the CO2 to grow and reduces the CO2 contained in the water.

Hiding Place:

When the java moss plant grows and covers the entire tank, it will offer enough hiding place for the fry and guppies. You can also create a natural hiding place by attaching the java moss plant to the driftwood tree or the rock. When the plant grows, it will cover the entire piece, and it will look fabulous.

Do guppies eat Java moss?

Guppies do like freshwater plants. Java moss is one of the plants that they eat comfortably. Due to the small size leaves, it is easy to nibble the plant leaves and consume them when there is insufficient food in the aquarium.

Is Java moss damage for guppies?

Java moss plant is completely safe for the guppies. The plant doesn’t have a stem or branches, which may hurt the guppies. Also, the leaves are small and soft, so when guppies wander around the plant, they can comfortably move from the plant without getting hurt. The Java moss plant is a great companion for guppies.

Will my guppies die eating Java moss?

No. The java moss is a freshwater plant that doesn’t produce any harmful chemicals. The guppy can eat them and fulfill their nutrition requirement. Some experts believe you should have the java moss in the aquarium if you put the guppies in it. The plant offers many benefits that keep the guppies healthy.

Fake plants for Guppies:

Generally, fake plants are not recommended, but guppies live around the fake plants. Choose small size plants with tiny leaves. Ensure that the plant is specially designed for the guppies. Sometimes the sharp edges of the plastic plant or the stem may hurt the plant.

These days various forms of fake plants are sold in the aquarium store, so you have many options to choose the right plant for the aquarium that will enhance the beauty of the aquarium.

Maintaining Java moss for keeping your guppies happy!

The java moss plant doesn’t require maintenance, but it is advisable to keep an eye on the plant’s growth and trim it down regularly to keep the growth even throughout the plant.

If you do not trim down, the plant will take over the entire tank, and there will be no space left for the guppies to swim. Pruning the plant regularly is essential to keep them healthy.

Moreover, when the java moss grows too quickly, it will create the top layer, which hides the bottom leaves. The light may not reach the bottom layer and make it change its color from green to yellow. Also, the light will not reach the middle section, where it starts decaying. You will notice the middle section turn brown and dislodge over time.

Another problem that moss plants face is the growth of algae on the leaves. Algae grow quickly when it receives bright light. As the algae cover the java moss plant, the plant will have less exposure to light. It will not be able to produce sufficient food and eventually die.

Once the algae have taken place on the plant, it will be difficult to remove. You may have to wash the java moss two to three times under the running water and apply some other harsh treatment to eliminate the algae.


Java moss is a fantastic plant for guppies. As the plant grows, it enhances the aesthetic of the aquarium. You will be able to control their growth and allow it to take shape the way you want. The plant is very flexible and makes a great companion for guppies.

By Uswatta Liyanage

Hello. I'm Uswatta Liyanage from Galle, Sri Lanka. I am the founder of this website. Since my childhood I'm an aqua plant lover and I have professionally learned more about aqua plants. So I created this site for share my knowledge and experience with all of you. Now you can refer my site and feel free to contact me if any inquiry.