Lightning Condition for Pelia Moss

The Pelia moss plant doesn’t require bright lights. It can comfortably grow in low and medium light conditions. The plant feels most exhausted when the light is too bright. Also, the bright light exposure could support the development of the algae on the plant.

While the Pelia moss is growing, it needs special care from the entire end. Ensuring the plant gets sufficient light throughout the day will create a suitable environment around it. If the lights are too low, the plant will reduce food production. Low food production indicates that the plant is having trouble growing.

A plant cannot grow without a healthy leaf structure. The Pelia moss plant doesn’t contain a step or root structure. Thus, the plant has to rely entirely on the leaf structure for food production. Essential nutrients are produced and supplied to the plant for growth.

Lightning Condition for Pelia Moss
Lightning Condition for Pelia Moss

Table of Contents

Does Pelia Moss need high light?

The Pelia moss plant doesn’t require high exposure to light. It can grow in low to mid-light conditions and thrive. High lights are provided when the Pelia moss is dealing with health issues. Increased light exposure supports the plant produce more food and improves the immune system to protect it from bacterial infection.

Pelia moss plants are placed at the bottom of the tank. It cannot float for a far more extended period because of excess weight. The plant automatically tanks down to the bottom layer when it gains weight. The bottom area is mainly hidden behind the substrate.

The light mounted on the top will provide limited exposure. Therefore, you should ensure that the plant is getting necessary lights but not too much that will affect the plant.

What kind of lighting does Pelia Moss need?

Pelia moss needs low ambient light to thrive. Low to mid-morning will support the plant’s steady growth of food production. Bright light should be avoided because it stresses out the plant. Any disturbance in the light presence will affect the plant from growing.

Thus, preventing the plant from staying in the Dark for too long. Spread the leaves in the area so the direct light under the water will reach and provide sufficient time for the plant to thrive.

Can Pelia Moss Grow in the Dark without any light?

No. Like any other plant, the Pelia moss also requires a decent amount of light during the day to produce the necessary food. A plant may survive for a few days in the dark region or low light conditions, but it will slowly hurt the plant. Less light exposure will reduce plant growth. Eventually, the plant will have a slow and steady growth.

In a completely dark area, the drop will be significant. The level of the changes you experience in the dark area will be quick. Leaves will turn yellow and develop spots on the plant leaves.

As the days pass, the leaves will fall, and the remaining structure will start decaying slowly. The plant will die if you do not take the preservative actions. Therefore, avoid placing the Pelia moss plant in the dark region. Take care of the

How long can Pelia Moss survive without light?

The Pelia moss plant will survive for about 4 to 7 days without light. However, the survival rate depends on various factors. In the absence of light, the water temperature will also decrease.

It will attract more bacteria and viruses that will affect the plant. Without sufficient light exposure, the Pelia moss plant will have trouble growing. The chances of survival are significantly less because it may affect plant development.

Is natural Sunlight needed for Growing Pelia Moss?

Technically the natural Sunlight is not necessary for the Pelia moss plant growth. Most aquarium plants absorb UV lights. The UV lights can be produced using an artificial light bulb. Thus, it avoids the necessity of natural Sunlight.

Growing the Pelia moss plant will be easy with exposure to natural Sunlight. But the biggest problem with natural Sunlight is you cannot control the brightness.

When the brightness of the light is too high, the aquarium will attract algae growth. Once the algae take place on the Pelia moss plant, the plant will struggle to expand. Leaves will develop green spots of the algae. The layer of the algae blocks the leaf from absorbing the Sunlight. As a result, plant growth will get affected.

How can I identify the Lightning problems in Pelia moss plants?

Some symptoms produce in the plant display the problem. As the plant thrives, there will be a time when the low light condition will impact the plant’s growth.

Look for these signs to identify the problem in the plant.

Low growth rate

The low or slow growth rate indicates that the plant has trouble getting necessary lights. Food production in the plant is dependent upon the plant’s ability to absorb the rays. In the absence of sufficient light, the plant will face a problem.

White and Yellow spots on leaves

The plant leaves will have a white and yellow spots on the leaves. The development of such a spot indicates several issues in the plant. The most common is a weak immune system.

Without sufficient light, the plant cannot develop the protected layer around it. When the bacterial infection affects the leaves, they turn white and yellow with spot development all over the plant.

Leaves are breaking

Give the plant necessary light exposure to ensure the plant has the ingredients needed to grow. The weak structure of the leaves indicates that the light condition is affected. Even the low light condition sometimes influences the plant.

Leaves often breaking may also suggest that the water condition is changing. High pH level or temperature fluctuation is the cause of the plants going down.

Is the Pelia Moss plant turning Brown under the low lighting condition?

Yes. There is the possibility that the leaves of the Pelia moss plant change their natural color. The green pigment loses over time, and the plant will have trouble growing. Low lighting condition is the most problematic situation in the plant because, after that, the leaves mostly die if no action is taken to recover.

As soon as you see the brown leaves, you should check the pH level of the water. The leaves will break apart from the structure and decay in the water, causing water contamination. The development of the chemicals would also take away the green pigments.

Can Pelia Moss grow under LED lights?

Yes. The Pelia moss plant will thrive under the LED lights. The LED lights produce UV rays that stimulate the natural light exposure of the sun. It will support plant growth. The best thing about using LED light is that the plant will have a controlled environment throughout the day.

Sunlight changes more often, which causes damage to the plant. Too bright Sunlight also stresses the plant. But this would not be the case with the LED light.

As long as the plant gets sufficient UV lights from the LED, it will keep supporting its growth. Do not place the LED light on the high exposure. Too much brightness will also attract algae growth and bacterial infection. Keep the light in the mid or low condition to ensure the plant gets the necessary food supply.

Will Pelia Moss plants grow under white LED lights?

Yes. The white LED lights would support plant growth. However, the bright light may stress the fish. Thus, ensure the light you use for the aquarium is not too bright. The brightness may support the growth when the plant is having trouble growing.

Instead of using white light, use the UV light bulb. The UV lights will provide low light conditions while supporting the plant to grow faster.


Pelia Moss needs moderating light conditions. Thus, place them in an area where they are not having trouble growing. Moderated lights will boost the plant’s growing while giving it sufficient time to improve its health. Knowing how to manage plant growth is essential to creating a suitable environment around it.

By Uswatta Liyanage

Hello. I'm Uswatta Liyanage from Galle, Sri Lanka. I am the founder of this website. Since my childhood I'm an aqua plant lover and I have professionally learned more about aqua plants. So I created this site for share my knowledge and experience with all of you. Now you can refer my site and feel free to contact me if any inquiry.