Weeping Moss Ultimate Guide on Planting, Maintains and Care

Weeping moss, also known as Vesicularia Ferriei, is noticeable easily in the water for their downward growth. The moss plant spreads on the surface quickly when the condition becomes suitable.

It is one of the fastest-growing moss types in the aquarium. Due to its ability to multiply in the aquarium, it is highly in demand.

Table of Contents

The plant is primarily used in aqua scaping because it produces natural habitat suitable for the fish. Although the plant’s growth should be managed, it will occupy the entire tank and the objects placed in the aquarium.

Weeping Moss Ultimate Guide
Weeping Moss Ultimate Guide

The aesthetic of the aquarium gets elevated when you place the Weeping moss in the tank. Deep green colors make the aquarium more alive.

Spread all over the structure and lay at the bottom of the tank. The weeping moss structure adds incredible texture to the aquarium giving it a more attractive look. If we talk about the length of the plant, it reaches up to an inch in height.


Scientific NameVesicularia Ferriei
Lighting NeedsMedium
Temperature65° – 77° F (18.3° – 25° C)
Water ConditionspH: 5.0 – 7.5
Average Size3-5 cm
Growth RateNormal
PlacementMid and Foreground
DifficultyEasy to moderate
Weeping Moss Information Table

The Appearance of Weeping Moss

Weeping moss is a vibrant green plant found across Asia and European countries. It is a pleurocarpous plant known for its fast development in its natural habitat. It grows up to 1 inch in height. Thick leaves provide the required viscosity to the plant.

Weeping moss consists of a bryophyte rooting system. The traditional structure allows the plant to create a firm grip on the surface and quickly multiply.

The natural growth process allows the plant to take place on the wood and even the stone. The moss ball is the result of rapid growth. As the plant grows, it will fade in appearance.

Because it doesn’t have any traditional root or stem structure, the plant can take the shape of any surface it is placed on. That’s why many aquarists prefer the Weeping moss when it comes to the beautification of the aquarium.

The weeping moss plant finds a way to spread in available space quickly. It feels great when the entire aquarium is covered under the weeping moss. No compromise on the decoratives or no objects will be hidden behind the plant.

Growing Methods of Weeping Moss in Aquarium

The weeping moss plant doesn’t have a root system; thus, you can grow the plant with a stem. The easiest way to grow a weeping moss plant is to cut the section of the plant from exiting moss and let it be underwater, away from the habitation.

Use the clipping, cotton threat, or glue to latch the plant in the new area.

It is advisable to grow the weeping moss plant in a separate aquarium. Control the water temperature, ph level, and development of the algae. An ideal tank will help the weeping moss to grow faster.

Give more space during the early growth, so the plant leaves do not overlap and create a barrier. Soon the plant will spread on the bottom of the tank reaching expected heights. It will get stretch and occupy the branch of the driftwood.

The plant requires a low pH level in the water with sufficient UV lights to produce the necessary food. The natural habitat encourages the faster growth of the plant.

Once the plant start proliferated, trim the access amount of leaves and give it a beautiful shape. Trimming is necessary. Else, the weeping moss plant will grow ugly. Set the desired level for the moss and keep the growth under control.

Once the plant is fully grown, you can move the entire structure or part in the aquarium. Do not leave the plant on the table. Moisture in the plant is necessary to keep them alive.

If the water gets soaked by the heat in the air, the plant will start dying. Take the weeping moss out of the water when you are ready to place it in an aquarium. Swiftly move the plant and let it adjust to the new habitat.

Observe the reaction of the fish. There are possibilities that the fish in the tank will start nibbling the moss plant. Give some time for the plant to recover and thrive again.

If the plant gets nibbled entirely by the fish, it will not have sufficient time to grow the fresh leaves again. Eventually, the plant will die.

Tank Requirements to Plant Weeping Moss

Weeping moss doesn’t have specific requirements for the tank size or space. The plant is native to China under the freshwater bodies. It can multiply in any aquarium.

The shallow water bed is in perfect condition for the tank because it allows the sunlight to reach the bottom of the water.

UV rays are essential for the weeping moss plant to produce food. Without sufficient lighting, the plant will depict a slow growth rate. That’s why the moss is primarily found in the riverbanks and lakes under the shallow water.

Besides that, the water temperature should be between 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Too hot or too cold water temperature will hurt the moss plant. It slows down the growth of the plant.

The lighting is another crucial factor that contributes to Weeping moss plant growth. The aquarium UV light must reach the moss plant. The plant needs sufficient light to produce food.

Without enough food production through the photosynthesis process, the plant will die. Hence, keep the water’s surface clean and avoid objects between the light and moss plant.

The direct flight to the moss plant will allow it to grow faster. If the light source has to penetrate the glass, ensure that the aquarium glass is clean more often.

The dirt particles will block the surface and reduce the efficiency of the light. Darker space will create a shadow on the plant and limit the growth.

Maintaining Weeping Moss

Weeping moss requires regular maintenance to keep it in good condition. Contaminated water could decrease its capacity to sustain longer. Thus, cleaning is the first thing you have to do when regular maintenance.

Use the freshwater to dip and rinse it gently. Like any other moss plant, the weeping moss produces essential food through the natural process called photosynthesis. Leaves have to be clean to attract more natural light sources.

A layer of dirt on the leaves will slow down food production. Consequently, the plant will lose its ability to produce more food. Eventually, the plant’s growth drops significantly, and the plant dies.

Leftover food also creates a barrier between the sunlight and weeping moss. Water does not circulate properly, fish food will get trapped around the plant, and fish waste will accumulate on the plant blocking the light.

Decrease flow of water will also affect plant growth. Freshwater brings nutrition with it that is essential for plants.

Moss is known for rapid growth. When it comes to maintaining the plant’s growth, trimming is undertaken to manage the unwanted growth.

Pruning should be done periodically as the weeping moss will grow shapeless, making the aquarium look awful. The shapeless plant needs trimming.

The entire plant should be organized to don’t affect the fish. If they are left alone, the plant will cover the swimming space.

Also, the older growth slowly decays in the water and starts falling. It has to be removed from the water before making water contaminated.

Both older plants and fresh ones will overlap, making it difficult to remove once fully grown. New growth will have a bright green color, and the older one will become pale green or yellow.

Use good quality filtration in the aquarium. Filtration of the weeping moss removes the contamination and improves the water flow near the plant.

The aquarium water will have trouble getting clean when the filtration process is not practical. Clean the filter regularly to soak more waste products and dirt when water passes through it.

Weeping moss needs clean water to thrive. Hence, it is advisable to change 5% to 10% tank water every week and 20% water every month. Clean the entire tank every 3 to 6 months, depending on the interior condition.

Tips to Care & Cultivation of Weeping Moss

The weeping moss plant is easy to grow in any environment. It requires little care, but you can flourish the plant without much effort. The plant is hardy and adaptable. The plants are primarily found in harsh conditions where they survive easily.

The freshwater moss sustains longer once it is grown. Suitable water conditions, environments, and temperature parameters need to be managed.

Weeping moss is suitable for the modern aquarium, and it is beginner-friendly. The aquarist doesn’t need to make special arrangements for the plant. It thrives when the water is at the perfect temperature with the required nutrition.

Water temperature in the aquarium should be kept between 60 to 85 degrees F. The pH level must be managed between 5.0 to 6.0.

Weeping moss can thrive in low-light conditions as well. However, use the adaptable light condition to promote faster growth in the early growth stage. Once the initial development is achieved, use moderate levels of light.

Weeping moss may require trimming on an occasional day. Maintain the size of the plant to avoid blocking large areas in the aquarium. Fish would need sufficient space to swim else it will develop anxiety. Trim the plant and make space for the fish.

As the plant grows, it will move downward due to weight. You may need to supporting element to maintain the growth in the right direction. Also, cut the old leaves that turn brown or pale yellow.

Advantages & Disadvantages of planting Weeping Moss in my Aquarium

Weeping moss consists of many advantages compared to their minimal disadvantages. The moss plant is highly used in the aquarium to enhance the water condition and overall appearance.

Fast growth rate and sturdy structure make the weeping moss the first choice of the aquarist. We will explain the advantages and disadvantages of weeping moss in this article.


  • It makes your aquarium look fantastic with a live plant.
  • Fresh and nutritional food for the fish.
  • Weeping moss grows in harsh conditions, so water conditions will not affect the plant growth making it a maintenance-free plant.
  • Support the aqua life by offering them natural habitat.
  • Create a hiding place for the fish.
  • Improve water quality by consuming harmful chemicals and generating oxygen.


  • Occupies large area in the tank if not appropriately maintained. Occasional trimming is needed.
  • Turn brown or yellow when the water condition changes.
  • The old leaf may pollute the water.
  • Invade the fish’s swimming space, leaving them little space in the aquarium.
  • Plant diseases may affect aqua life. If the fish eats the affected moss plant, they may die due to infection.
  • Generally, weeping moss plants do not produce a harmful substance or affect aqua life. They automatically restore when the condition recovers to normal. Choose a large aquarium enough to keep water flowing in the entire tank. The freshwater should be added to the tank weekly to provide nutrition for plants and fish. Regular maintenance avoids any unforeseen events where plants die or contaminate the aquarium.

Common problems (Difficulties) of planting Weeping Moss in Aquarium Tanks

Weeping moss needs a sufficient amount of UV light. Even where room lights are on, the low light condition affects the plant.

Thus, you have to keep the aquarium lights on the entire time. Without aquarium lights, the weeping moss cannot produce sufficient food for survival.

The fish need lights as well as the darkroom while they are resting. In contrast, the UV lights affect the natural habitat of the fish. Placing the lights on at all times may affect their routine. Fish may feel stressed and develop various health problems.

Various kinds of bacteria may cause damage to the weeping moss plant. Changing the color of the stem and leaves is the early sign of the infection developed from the bacteria. Another issue with the weeping moss is the impact of the diseases when the water condition changes.

Clean water improves the life of the plant and contributes to faster growth. When you decide to have the weeping moss in your aquarium, ensure that you regularly maintain the water condition suitable for the plant. Control the pH level and nutrition factor.

Similar Plants to Weeping Moss

Weeping moss is one of the types of plants from the moss category. There are several other moss plants available that consist of different characteristics.

Here is the list of plants similar to the Weeping moss

  • Java Moss (Taxiphyllum Barbieri)
  • Star Moss (Syntrichia Ruralis)
  • Christmas Moss (Vesicularia Montagnei)
  • Flame Moss (Taxiphyllum)
  • Willow Moss (Fontinalis Antipyretica)
  • Peacock Moss (Taxiphyllum sp.)
  • Pellia Moss (Monosolenium Tenerum)
  • Taiwan Moss (Taxiphyllum Alternans)
  • Riccia Moss (Riccia Fluitans)
  • Phoenix Moss (Fissidens fontanus)
  • Marimo Moss Ball

If we talk about the features of the plant, the weeping moss and all other similar plants that come under the moss category are the same.

Their growth rate, temperature requirement, pH level are identical. The only noticeable difference is the shape and size of the plant. Leaves of the plants also help you to identify the species.

Does Weeping Moss Have True Roots & Stems?

No. Weeping moss doesn’t have true roots and stems. The plant grows directly from the leaves and expands in multiple layers. Plants attach themselves from the surface and grow small initially, and as the condition becomes suitable for the growth, they start expanding territory.

Suitable tankmates for Weeping Moss

Weeping moss can be placed in the tank with many suitable candidates that make the aquarium alive. Small shrimps, also known as cherry shrimps, can be a perfect partner for weeping mosses.

Shrimp live on the bushes and eat the algae and tiny bacteria living on the plant. Also, any rubbish laying on the plant will get eaten by the tiny shrimps.

Amano shrimp are algae eaters. They remove the dangerous algae growth and allow the weeping moss plant to sustain in the tank. The Amano shrimp keeps the plant alive for longer, making the aquarium look habitat for the fish.

Another algae eater, shrimp primarily famous in Japan, could be perfect for the weeping moss. However, they need to control others, damaging the mosses and eating them entirely.

You can have fish that keeps the algae away. The problem with the algae is they overgrow. Mostly, the plant is the perfect place for their growth. Hence, you usually find them growing on top of it, leaves, or near the stem.

There is the possibility that the weeping moss containing surprise elements will affect the entire aquarium. Choosing algae eater fish could support the weeping moss.

Also, when you buy weeping moss from the store, ensure that they do not consist of any algae, eggs, or bacterial infection if you bring that home and put them in the aquarium without cleaning it.

Unsuitable tankmates for Weeping Moss

There are very few tank mates that are harmful to the weeping moss. Algae is the main enemy; thus, you should avoid placing the weeping moss in the tank, which gets algae more often.

Goldfish eat anything they find in the tank. Fish appetite is too high compared to other fish. Some fish may prefer eating the tiny leaves of the weeping moss.

Siamese algae eaters also show interest in eating weeping moss plants. They find moss a delicious alternative to regular food. Whenever they get access to the fresh leaves of the moss, they will eat them.

Put these fish away from the weeping moss. The plant will not survive longer if these fish are around.

Is Weeping Moss invasive?

Yes. To some extent, we can say that the Weeping moss occupies ample space and keeps extending its territory when the condition is suitable. Therefore, the moss requires regular trimming to put in a fixed length.

Where can I find Weeping Moss?

Weeping moss is native to China. They are found in various places in Asia. The weeping moss grows under the wet rocks, riverbanks, and some part of the damp soil near streams in a natural habitat. Today, the plant is cultivated in the backyard and sold worldwide.

Is Weeping Moss good for Terrarium?

Yes. Weeping moss is an excellent choice for developing a beautiful-looking Terrarium. The plant has no roots and vessels that grow large. It can spread evenly in the given space making the perfect plant to cover the entire Terrarium.

Is Weeping Moss more expensive?

No. Weeping moss can be grown quickly with a small plant. Thus, they are readily available in the stores. In some regions where weeping moss is not popular, the aquarist may have to grow it separately on demand which may cost more than the regular moss plant.

How Long does Weeping Moss live?

The weeping moss’s lifespan ranges from 1 year to 10 years. In reality, the plant does not have a specific growth limit. Weeping moss doesn’t have true roots, growing from a single branch.

The growth rate of the weeping moss plant ultimately depends on the water condition in the aquarium.

Why does My Weeping Moss Bad Smell?

Weeping moss smells terrible when kept in the same water for a very long period. The contamination and chemical reaction cause the moss plant to produce a bad smell.

Warmer temperature also causes the plant to grow slowly. Change the water or keep the weeping moss separately in the freshwater tank.

Is Weeping moss good for the lawn?

Yes. You can grow the moss on the lawn. The fresh green leaves will improve the condition of the bear land. It multiplies, so you do not have to wait for it to cover the entire lawn.

Soon after you plant the weeping moss, keep the maintenance intact. The weeping moss plant requires wetland, moisture, and moderate temperature. High-temperature land may decrease the growth.

Weeping Moss Vs. Christmas Moss

Two plants are not too different from each other. They both share similar characteristics. Therefore, in many cases, they are mistaken for each other.

Weeping moss is native to China. The large area is covered with weeping moss and is naturally found in the various regions underwater, riverbanks, and lakeside.

Although it is native to China, they are found all over Asia and Europe. Weeping moss grows up to 1 inch in length. The plan needs a temperature between 60 to 85 degrees F. The water pH level should be between 5.0 and 6.0.

Christman moss is found in the Tropical Asian region, including Japan, Thailand, India, and the Philippines.

The plant is sturdy and easy to grow. It is a suitable plant to grow as a carpet and cover the driftwood. The height of the plant reaches up to 1 to 4 inches.


Weeping moss is the perfect plant to have in the aquarium. It protects the habitat and controls the temperature.

Chemical development can be reduced as the plant consumes toxic substances and is suitable for the fish. Growing weeping moss is easy, which makes it a perfect beginner plant.

By Uswatta Liyanage

Hello. I'm Uswatta Liyanage from Galle, Sri Lanka. I am the founder of this website. Since my childhood I'm an aqua plant lover and I have professionally learned more about aqua plants. So I created this site for share my knowledge and experience with all of you. Now you can refer my site and feel free to contact me if any inquiry.