Why is My Peacock Moss Die?

This aquatic moss is best grown in cooler temperatures. Its flat branches and iridescent blue-green fronds attract slugs. In addition to low-lighting requirements, peacock moss can tolerate some CO2 and intense lighting.

It also needs temperature and pH levels that are between six and seven.

Why is My Peacock Moss Die
Why is My Peacock Moss Die

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Why is My Peacock Moss Die?

There are a lot of reasons which may lead to the death of peacock moss.

Lack of nutrients

Often lack of nutrients may lead to the death of peacock moss as it may hamper the pH balance of the tank.

Excessive sunlight

Excessive sunlight hampers the health of peacock moss as they thrive in colder temperatures.

Snails, algae, and enemy fishes

They may eat the plant as it is edible; this may result in the death of the plant.


If they are exposed to any form of bacterial and fungal infections.

Improper care

The plant must be treated with the utmost care, lack of which may result in decay.

How do I know if My Peacock Moss has Died?

Your Peacock Moss is dead when the leaves of the plant change their colors to yellow or brown. When the rot has spread to its stems and roots. There is no revival even when the plant is isolated.

What does it mean when Peacock moss turns brown?

If your Peacock moss is turning brown, this may be a sign that it’s dried out or overwatered. If the fern is rotting, you can add some compost to it to bring it back to life.

But if you see any spots that are brown, it’s likely that your Peacock fronds are dying. In case your moss starts turning brown, you should keep a close eye on it. This can be a sign of root rot or diseases.

Signs Of A Dying Peacock Moss Plant

Despite the beautiful and exotic looks, your Peacock Moss Plant may be in trouble. Here are the warning signs that your Peacock Plant is in trouble.

If the symptoms of a dying Peacock Moss plant are too severe, contact an expert. It is a good idea to check the condition of the soil on a regular basis.

The first sign is wilting leaves. This can be caused by many factors, including cold temperature or draft. The plant may also show signs of root rot, as the roots may be mushy or have died.

To save your plant, you should remove any brown or wilting leaves. If the disease has spread to the roots, you should wait until the plant recovers before attempting root surgery.

The second sign of a dying plant is the sudden change in color. Although plants change color in different seasons, sudden changes in color could be a sign of a dying plant.

For example, the leaves may turn yellow or die if they are not getting enough light or water.

Reasons for Peacock Moss Dying

Why is my peacock moss dying? There are several reasons for this. Too much fertilizer can burn the moss, which can lead to its death.

It also has a tendency to turn yellow when it gets too much sunlight. In either case, a good way to avoid losing your peacock moss is to cut it back.

The plant needs low-medium light, high humidity, and a moist substrate. It is best kept in an aquarium but can be grown in a hanging basket. It requires a set pH and cool water temperature. Failing to do so may kill the moss.

Why is my Peacock Moss turning Yellow?

The most common cause of yellowing is not the soil but too much fertilizer and lack of nutrients. The other possible culprit is too much sunlight. The best thing to do is to limit direct sunlight.

There are a few reasons that your peacock moss may be dying, but the most common cause is lack of sunlight. The best thing to do is to keep it out of direct sunlight.

The reason is that too much sunlight can kill the plant. Your Peacock moss might be suffering from over-fertilization.

How can I turn green again, my Brown Peacock Moss?

Fortunately, a few tips and tricks can help you restore your peacock moss to its original lush green color. While brown and dingy, this plant is still a beautiful addition to your aquatic environment.

Here are some of the most important things to do to get your peacock back in shape. First, keep it watered regularly. It is important to remember that this moss is not a weed. You will not want to remove it from the aquarium before it is fully grown.

First, make sure you have the right pH balance and CO2 levels. For instance, a pH of 5.5 is perfect for this moss.

If the pH level is too high, it will kill the moss, so be sure to increase the amount of CO2. Also, add more light, as the moss will need more light to survive.

Second, you should provide sufficient light. Intense lighting is essential to maintain the right balance of CO2 and light. Lastly, you should provide adequate nutrients for your moss to remain healthy and vibrant.

Once you’ve done that, you’re all set! Once you’ve got a vibrant, healthy plant, you should give it some time to recover.

How do I Save Peacock Moss plants?

If you see this problem, there are a few ways to save your plant. Firstly, increase the light. If your tank is too dark, the moss will die.

If you have too much light, the leaves will turn brown and drop along the stems. Secondly, try increasing the CO2 level in the tank. If the moss is already dead, you should remove it.

Is Dead Peacock Moss Bad for Fish Tanks?

No, but it can cause problems if your tank isn’t properly planted. It is prone to melting when the temperature or the water chemistry changes too fast.

However, it will grow if it receives decent water movement, which is usually quite good. Just be sure to keep it in a place where it will be protected from a sudden change in temperatures.

The plant may end up on your fish or on your decor, so you should keep the aquarium free from it. Once you’ve cut it, you can reuse it in another tank or even give it to a fellow aquarist.

Is Dead Peacock Moss Harmful to other Aquarium Plants?

It is probably not harmful to the fishes or other plants, but make sure you scrape out all the dead parts of the plant so that it does not rot the other plants. The plant must be isolated and quarantined till it’s green again.

Do fish eat dead Peacock Moss?

Peacock moss has no known negative effects on fish. However, it is best if you isolate the dead moss from the tank to avoid any bacterial or fungal growth from speeding.

How to Recover the dying Peacock Moss?

These plants are one of the rarest types in the world and can thrive in cold water. They don’t require additional CO2 to grow, and the foliage of the moss grows in a sideways fashion, similar to a tree’s leaves.

In addition to being a beautiful and unique plant, the peacock fern is also a favorite hiding place for shrimp, small fish, and other animals.

If it’s dying, don’t be alarmed, the best thing to do is to transplant it into a pot and let it grow and flourish. You can transfer it to a cooler place away from the sunlight, get the right pH and add nutrients like liquid fertilizer or CO2.

How to Clean Dead Peacock Moss in Tanks?

All you have to do is get rid of it and put your tank back in top condition. Adding CO2 to your tank might help with the growth of this moss, but this is not necessary. A good cleaning method involves using a vacuum cleaner or some type of steam cleaner.

The first step to cleaning the moss is to remove any existing debris. Pull off any dead moss that you have on the walls and decorations.

If you want to clean the walls and decorations, use a soft pad or hard-bristled brush. Rinse the debris with clean water. Then, replace any decor you have removed. This procedure is very easy and does not require a professional.

Can dead Peacock Moss come back to life?

The moss needs light and water to survive. If it is completely dried out, it will not thrive and will die. It grows best in a tank with moist substrate and flowing water.

It can also be kept in a tank containing shrimp or small baby fish. If you want to bring a dead Peacock Moss to life, you can try using a terrarium.

Peacock moss is relatively easy to grow. You can also replant dead Peacock Moss to another place if it’s in a dead state. A dead Peacock fern will thrive in warmer conditions, but it can’t be too humid. A cool room will help the moss grow.


Peacock moss is a type of lichen that has a similar growth habit as peacocks. It prefers cooler climates and doesn’t need any fertilizer.

It grows in a cushion-like structure with ramified branches that form near right angles. However, it should be noted that peacock moss requires a constant temperature.

In addition, it will grow faster under increased aquarium light. The higher the intensity of light, the more compact and triangular its fronds will be.

By Uswatta Liyanage

Hello. I'm Uswatta Liyanage from Galle, Sri Lanka. I am the founder of this website. Since my childhood I'm an aqua plant lover and I have professionally learned more about aqua plants. So I created this site for share my knowledge and experience with all of you. Now you can refer my site and feel free to contact me if any inquiry.