Is Java Moss Good for Goldfish? (Helpful Tips)

Java moss is not recommended plant with the Goldfish. However, it can survive if you have a proper arrangement to safeguard the Java moss plant. Keep the moss plant floating and with for the fast growth to protect itself from the eaten by the Goldfish. The fish starts nibbling the java moss as it comes to close contact with the plant.

Alternatively, place the java moss in the bottom of the tank with the help of rock or driftwood. Attach them using the fishing line or mesh to protect the plant from goldfish attack. The mesh will make it harder to eat the plant.

Is java moss good for goldfish? Java moss could be a good companion for the goldfish. The plant provides a suitable environment in the aquarium for the Goldfish to thrive. Also, the java moss plant would be eaten by the fish if there is not a sufficient amount of food provided to them.

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Imagine you are traveling on the long holidays and no one is there in the home that can take care of it. In this situation, the java moss will provide food to the fish. In your absence, the fish can survive eating the java moss plant leaves and stay healthy.

Is Java Moss Goos for Goldfish
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Additionally, the java moss plant grows faster, so you do not have to worry even if the plant is munching by the fish regularly. The java moss plant will survive and keep growing.

Is Goldfish Eating Java Moss?

Yes. Goldfish are omnivorous animals. They eat both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food. Live green leave plants are healthy for fish. They create a natural habitat in the aquarium. Also, these plants are very active in maintaining the nitrate and carbon dioxide in the water. It controls the oxygen level in the aquarium.

The goldfish like to eat the green java moss plant when they are hungry. The fish like the taste of the plant, so you will notice they frequently eat the plant whenever they swim close by to the plant. The live java moss plants are good snacks for fish.

Why Goldfish Eat Java Moss?

In the natural habitat of the Goldfish, they eat everything that comes close to them. The goldfish is an omnivore animal that eats everything found in nature. In their natural habitat, they eat aquatic vegetation, fish eggs, larvae, frogs, and insects.

Goldfish do not require a vegetarian diet for survival, but they are occasionally found eating the plants. Especially the fancy goldfish eats the vegetation comfortably. These fancy goldfish fulfill their nutrition intact using the vegetarian diet. In the absence of a vegetarian diet, the fish may be at the risk of developing intestinal problems.

How To Stop Goldfish Eating Your Java Moss Plants?

The appetite of the Goldfish is high compare to the other fish. They come in the omnivorous category that eats vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian food. So it is challenging to stop them from eating the plant.

They avoid eating the plant only when it tastes bad. There are some plant species that goldfish do not like, so that you can have these plants in the tank.

In the case of java moss, the plant is liked by the Goldfish. If you put the goldfish in the tank with the java moss, they will eat them and obliterate them. However, there are some ways you can protect the java moss plant from getting eaten by the Goldfish.

  • Feed your goldfish on time. When the fish has received a sufficient amount of food, they will not eat the plant. The Goldfish require enough food during the day; they become plant-eater and eat everything that it finds in her way.
  • Protect the plant from the mess. The java moss plant can be protected using the mess. The goldfish will not reach the java moss when the mesh is between them and the plant, and the java moss plant will be saved.
  • Keep the plant floating in the tank, so most of the java moss will not be reachable to the Goldfish? The fish will not be able to eat the entire planet, and it will survive.
  • Control the water temperature. If the water temperature is too hot or too cold, the fish gets the stress out, and they start eating the plants. Use the water temperature measuring device to prevent the water from becoming unhealthy for the fish. When you detect the water temperature is rising or decreasing from the required temperature, change the water to control it.
  • Combine the java moss with the plant that goldfish doesn’t like. The plant that goldfish hate will keep them away from the java moss. They will not try to eat them. As a result, the java moss will thrive without any trouble.

Will my goldfish get sick quickly eating the java moss plant?

No. the Java moss plant doesn’t develop any side effects on the fish. However, you should not fully rely on the java moss and keep feeding the fish with the right nutrition food. The goldfish would need various type nutrition that protects their health.

If the goldfish survive only on the java moss plant, they will have several health problems. You will also see they lose weight when they continue to eat the java moss plant. It is not a good health practice to have a plant-based diet for the fish.

Fake Plants for Goldfish

There are pros and cons of having fake plants in the Goldfish aquarium. We will discuss this to understand why they are not suitable or work the best in a certain condition.


  • Last Longer: The plant made of plastic will last longer. The fish cannot eat them also any impact of the water condition on the plant. The plant will survive for several years without harming them. The plastic plant never dies, no matter what water condition is in the aquarium.
  • No Fertilizer or lightning requires: You will save money on the fertilizer as the fake plant do not require them. Additionally, the lightning condition can be adjusted according to the fish. Even you can put the dim light sufficient to illuminate the aquarium without worrying about the plant.
  • Varieties of options: Compared to the live plant, the fake plastic plant comes in different sizes, shapes, and colors. Also, there is no limit on the imagination, so the fake plant maker manufacturer the plant according to the demand. Some designs of the plant may not even exist in nature. You get a wide range of options to choose from.
  • No risk of disease: Fake plants are safer when it comes to pests or the impact of the disease. You can easily sterilize the plastic plant while cleaning and remove the bacteria. You can even use harsh chemicals during the cleaning without worrying about the damage. It’s no big deal to clean them and keep them intact.


  • Releases micro plastics: The plastic is stronger and can last long, but the plastic makes it challenging when you are using them in the aquarium. Some fake plastic plants produced micro plastics when they were kept for so long underwater. This broken piece may enter the fish lungs while breathing and damage the vital organs.
  • Chemicals: Some plastic releases chemicals when it is under the water. These chemicals are hazardous for fish health. In the worst case, the fish may die overnight if the water is contaminated by plastic.
  • Looks Fake: No matter what type of fake plants you use in the aquarium, they always look fake. Compare to real live plants, and fake plants will take away the natural beauty. The viewer can easily detect the real plant and fake plant in the tank. If you are more concerned about the aesthetic than getting them eaten, the live plant is the only option.
  • Do not clean the water: The fake plastic will not contribute to cleaning the aquarium water. The naturally found plants consume the CO2 and moderate the other chemicals in the water. It keeps the water oxygen-rich. This will not be possible with the fake plant.
  • Do not grow: The Fake plant does not grow. So there will be no excitement in having the plant in the tank. Every time you want to change the aquarium’s look, you have to buy a new fake plant.

How to grow java moss fast in my goldfish tank?

Java moss plant is the most common aquatic plant using the fish tank for decorating and aqua scraping purposes. When you plan to grow java moss in a goldfish tank, you may have to make special arrangements to keep the plant alive.

The java moss plant is considered great for beginners. It grows faster and lasts longer without needing special care. Also, the java moss plant is compatible with most of the fish, which makes it a low-maintenance plant.

Here are some of the tricks to protect your plants from the Goldfish and grow them faster.

  • Control CO2 level: The java moss plant grows faster when there is a sufficient amount of CO2 in the water. Use the CO2 calculator device to ensure that the water has CO2 in it. Also, do not go overboard in increasing the speed of plant growth. It may cause health problems to the fish. The CO2 level will expedite the growth speed and make the plant thrive faster.
  • Feed goldfish on time: It is important to feed the fish on time to keep them away from the java moss plant. The Goldfish eats a lot. Use an automated food dispenser that will pour the food in small quantity in every few hours. When there is sufficient food, the goldfish will stay away from the plant and allow them to grow.
  • Fertilizer: The fertilizer will allow the java moss to grow faster. Use the liquid fertilizer as the java moss does not have roots, so that they will consume the fertilizer through leaves and stems.

Is Java moss offer shelter & security for goldfish?

Many fish look for shelter and security in the aquarium. The hiding place keeps them calm as they will be protected from danger. Java moss can be used as a carpet in the tank where the fish can hide between the leaves and stay there a while.

Also, when the leaves grow, it will create a natural habitat underwater where there will be several places in the water to hide.

java moss provides security to the laid eggs in the plant. The fish can comfortably lay their eggs in the java moss plant. You will see these white eggs up against the green plant.

What is the best plant for goldfish?

Goldfish are known for munching any plant they encounter in the tank. They dig down till root and remove them from the gravel or sand to eat the bottom of the plant. The only way to protect the plant in the goldfish tank is to have compatible plants not to eat.

These are the list of the best plant for goldfish

  • Crinum Calamistratum
  • Anubias
  • Marimo Moss Ball
  • Java Fern
  • Bolbitis Fern

Tips to keep Java Moss with Goldfish

Following tips will help you to protect the java moss from the goldfish.

  • Feeding on time: When you have goldfish, you cannot become irresponsible in feeding the Goldfish. It is hard to believe, but the goldfish can eat anything that they find in the water. It will destroy vegetation and remove all the plants from the gravel and eat them. Therefore, you should have the discipline to feed the goldfish on time. Use the auto food dispenser, so you do not have to be present all the time to feed the fish. Check the dispenser once a day to ensure sufficient food is left in the tray.
  • Keep plants away: Keep the plant in the safe zone away from the goldfish. You can use the mesh to protect the plant. When the plant is reachable, it will easily get eaten. Keep the plant away from the fish as much as possible to safeguard them.

Will my goldfish die eating java moss?

No. The java moss does not produce any harmful chemicals. Even if the fish eat them, it will have no impact on their health.


The java moss is good for the goldfish. The only thing that bothers the aquarist is the plant getting eaten by the goldfish. With planning, you can keep both goldfish and java moss together in the tank. The combination of both will improve the aesthetic of the aquarium. The overall appearance will look stunning.

By Uswatta Liyanage

Hello. I'm Uswatta Liyanage from Galle, Sri Lanka. I am the founder of this website. Since my childhood I'm an aqua plant lover and I have professionally learned more about aqua plants. So I created this site for share my knowledge and experience with all of you. Now you can refer my site and feel free to contact me if any inquiry.