Why is My Star Moss Turning Brown?

Why is My Star Moss Turning Brown? The Star Moss plant turning brown in color may occur due to different reasons. A Star Moss plant compared to other types of plants has a longer ability to survive itself with a minimum amount of maintenance.

The main reason for a Star Moss plant to turn brown in color may happen due to the reason that these minimum requirement has not being properly met.

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Why is My Star Moss Turning Brown?
Why is My Star Moss Turning Brown? : Image Credit


The Star Moss is a plant which is around 1.1 inches tall and mainly seen grown on the Grasslands, Forests, Deserts and the Arctic.

This plant has Starry leaves which are dark green in color and also has a shallow root which can anchor itself to any surface.

With this beautiful look and other benefits the Star Moss plant, even though not being an aquatic plant is used by most of the Aquarists to decorate their tanks and Aquariums.

Is Brown Star Moss Dead?

A Star Moss plant in your Aquarium turning brown in color may not mean that the plant is dead. It will show that the plant is lacking certain of its requirements and when these are fulfilled they will turn back to their normal green color.

Main Reasons for Star Moss Turning Brown?

A Star Moss plant in your Aquarium might turn Brown in color due to different reasons and some of them are mentioned below,

Excess of Algae

Algae Attacks can happen to any type of Aquatic plant in the Aquarium.

This is the same with the Star Moss Plant as well. When the tank is left with left over fish food and fish waste for a longer period of time it will cause Algae to grow within the tank and will start to attack on the Star Moss plant in the Aquarium.

Insufficient Nutrient Absorption

Another reason for the Star Moss plant turning in brown color is due to the reason of Insufficient Nutrient Absorption.

This is the lack of food on the plant for its growth.

Poor Aquarium Maintenance

The Star Moss is a fresh water plant. If your tank is not given the proper cleaning within the right time, this is another reason for the Star Moss plant to turn its color to Brown.

Light Conditions

Too much of bright light or sunlight received on the Star Moss plant is another reason which causes the plant to turn brown in color.

Inappropriate Substrate

Another reason for the Star Moss plant in the Aquarium to turn its color to Brown is the Substrate used in the tank not being suitable on them.

Can Brown Star Moss Turn Green Again?

Yes, a Brown Star Moss Can get back its color in green again after taking a good care of them.

Control Algae Growth

Trying to control the Algae Growth within the Aquarium can help in bringing back the Brown colored Star Moss plants back into green again.

Cleaning the tank regularly and getting rid of the waste of fish food and fish waste can help the control of the Algae growth within the tank.

Check the Lightning Levels

Check on the levels of lights that the tank receives is another way that can help to turn a brown colored Star Moss plant back in to green again.

A Star Moss plant likes to grow with a low to a medium level of light in a cool temperature. So if the tank is receiving too much of light make sure to move the tank to a place with a lower level of light received.

Add proper Fertilization

A proper Fertilization is another factor that can help you in turning a Brown Star Moss plant back to its color in green again.

Check your Water Conditions and Change Water

A Star Moss plant prefers fresh water for its growth, therefore checking on the water conditions of the tank and changing the water in the tank can help the Brown Star Moss plant in the tank to get back green in color.

How can I Tell If a Star Moss is Healthy?

A Star Moss plant has dark green leaves, but when its requirements are not met will change in color and dry out.

Therefore if the Star Moss plant in your tank has a green color look in it and also the leaves have a strong look in them .Then you can identify the Star Moss with you is healthy.

Should I remove Brown Star Moss from the Aquarium?

You can treat a Brown Star Moss plant within the Aquarium itself so as to get the plant back in good health.

But if you require you can remove the plant and place it in another jar or tank until it turns back in color and replace it back in the Aquarium.

Is Brown Star Moss Bad for Fish?

Having a Brown Star Moss in the Aquarium with the fish is not always bad on them until the proper treatments are given to the plant.

However if the plant is kept for a long period of time without taking any measures on it, then it is a problem to the fish in the Aquarium.

Do Gold Fish Eat Brown Star Moss?

Gold Fish being herbivorous will eat on the plants in the Aquarium. Therefore they might eat on the Brown Star Moss plant in the Aquarium as well.

To avoid this you can feed the gold fish in the Aquarium with enough fish food and try to keep the Star Moss plant away from the Gold Fish using the other Aquatic plants or having some barriers so that they do not reach the Star Moss plant.

Is Brown Star Moss Bad for other Plants in the Aquarium?

A Brown colored Star Moss plant will not be bad on the other plants.

However if this plant is left without treated in the same manner then it will start to decay which will bring harm to the other Aquatic life in the Aquarium.

So taking precautionary measures and having a Brown Star Moss plant with other plants in the Aquarium will not harm them.

Is Brown Star Moss Dying?

A change in the colour of the Star Moss plant in the Aquarium might not mean that the plant is dead, but leaving the plant in this situation for a longer time period is a sign that your Star Moss plant might be dying.

Can I use Brown Star Moss for my Aquarium?

You can have a Brown Star Moss plant in your Aquarium after fulfilling all the requirements of the Star Moss to turn back in green colour.

But if you hold the plant without taking any measures then it might cause harm on the other Aquatic life and plants in your Aquarium.


A Star Moss plant is one of the plants that can live for a longer time period compared to the other plants. Therefore using one of these plants in to your aquarium can bring beauty as well as other benefits to your Aquarium.

By Uswatta Liyanage

Hello. I'm Uswatta Liyanage from Galle, Sri Lanka. I am the founder of this website. Since my childhood I'm an aqua plant lover and I have professionally learned more about aqua plants. So I created this site for share my knowledge and experience with all of you. Now you can refer my site and feel free to contact me if any inquiry.