How to Reproduce Weeping Moss? (Propagation Method)

Many of you might be already in love with the weeping moss plant. The various qualities of the plant make it one of the most attractive plants in the aquarium.

Thus, reproducing the plant with the minimum effort will permit you to decorate your aquarium with fresh leaves.

There are many methods available that support the reproduction of the plant. One popular way is to cut the plant section and replant it in the ideal location.

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Provide required nutrients, minerals, and freshwater to the plant to make them flourish comfortably.

How to Reproduce Weeping Moss?
How to Reproduce Weeping Moss?

Use the cotton thread or the super glue to fix it in the preferred place. Once the plant occupies adequate space, it will become more convenient to grow.

Moss will surround the area within a few weeks. If you plant them on the driftwood, the plant will soon reach a significant height, spreading it across the tank.

Remember to maintain the growth of the plant. As the plant achieves the required length, use the trimming process to cut excess growth. Keep them in moderated condition throughout their life; else, they will occupy the swimming space of the fish.

How to Reproduce Weeping Moss?

The weeping moss plant doesn’t contain the stem or roots structure. It proliferates through any plant branch, making it easy to grow. You can plant the weeping moss in water, and it will start growing.

Follow these step-by-step guides to reproducing the weeping moss plant.

  • Setting up a tank

The weeping moss plant is a freshwater plant. It requires freshwater to grow. Thus, get the larger tank to consist of at least five gals or 19 litter of water. The weeping moss cannot survive in marine aquariums, so you should keep the water content fresh.

A large tank is recommended because soon, the water will become crowded when the weeping moss grows. The weeping moss plant has sturdy nature, so it may also survive in brackish water with low salt content.

However, it is preferable to use freshwater content to support the fast growth.

  • Water temperature

Water temperature affects the weeping moss plant. The water should be between 70–75 °F (21–24 °C). If you live in a cold region, place the heater in the tank to avoid adverse consequences to the plant.

The weeping moss plant can live under 90 °F (32 °C) temperatures.

High temperature slows plant growth, making it challenging to achieve the desired height. Also, too much water fluctuation could cause it to die—place floating thermometers to keep monitoring the water temperature.

  • PH Level

Growing ph level is harmful to the plants and fish living in the water. Weeping moss needs water condition with a pH level between 5 to 8. Many devices are available in the stores to check your fish tank’s pH level and acidity.

Monitor the water condition and keep it suitable for the weeping moss plant. You can also add chemicals to increase the pH level of the water. However, while adding the chemicals, check the risk involved for the fish.

  • Powerful filtration

Filtration is needed to support the fast growth of the plant. The plant occupies a large amount of waste produced on the leaves if the filtration is not working.

The use of powerful filtration supports the cleaning of the water, making it easy for the plant to grow without any barrier between their growth. Additionally, the flow circulates the fresh water in the entire tank, making CO2 reach the plant.

  • LED lights

The light source is a vital part of the weeping moss plant growth. The plant uses UV rays to produce needed food. While LED lights create the plant’s brightness, the food product supports the fast development.

If you want the plant to become dense and multiply, use the multiple LED light source that reaches the plant’s internal structure. With the top surface of the plant, the other area will also get a chance to develop their food and increase.

If you follow these steps carefully, the plant will spread across the tank and reach a significant height.

Are Weeping Moss have Genders?

Yes. The weeping moss plant is known as a Vesicularia plant. It is easy to grow and thrives in freshwater quickly when the water condition is suitable. Weeping moss is a relative of the Hypnaceae species. Primarily found in the Asian regions.

Does Weeping Moss Have Babies?

No. Weeping moss is a plant like any other aquarium plant you find in the fish tank. You can grow the entire weeping moss plant with just one single branch. The unique feature that you get to discover the weeping moss is the ability to reproduce from the tiny section of the plant.

How to Make Weeping Moss Babies Grow Faster?

Weeping moss babies or the part of the plant need proper care in their early stages of growth. Starting with the water condition, where water temperature and pH level play critical roles.

As the weeping moss babies plant grows, it will need more space to spread. So arrange the place for the plant to allow them to spread and grow bigger.

How to trim a Weeping Moss correctly to Reproduce?

The good thing about the weeping moss plant is they increase even if you cut them into multiple parts. Each section of the moss is capable of reproducing.

Thus, the trimming is not complicated compared to the other aquarium plant.

Start the trimming from the top layer of the plant. Give it a perfect shape that suits your need. After that, find the dense region of the plant where the hidden section of it plant might have started dying.

If you find plant leaves with yellow brows colors, these leaves are about to die. So you should remove them before they contaminate the water.

If you find plant leaves with yellow brows colors, these leaves are about to die. So you should remove them before they contaminate the water.

Multiple weeping mosses will have their speed of growth. When they start growing, they might tangle with each other and make a mesh-like structure.

Ensure that the two plants have sufficient space in between. It will not be possible for you to separate them once they have intertwined. Thus, When you are planting a weeping moss plant.

How long does It Take for a Weeping Moss to Reproduce?

Generally, the weeping moss plant takes 3 to 4 weeks to reproduce. The plant consumes CO2 and extends its development, making it a densely populated plant in the tank.

You can speed up the growth by increasing the CO2 level in the plant. Ensure you have strong UV light sources. The photosynthesis process makes food production easy.

How can I propagate Weeping Moss in-house? (Indoor propagate)

Begin the propagation with the container. The weeping moss can be grown in the water, or you can grow it with soil. Guild will help you to grow weeping moss on the ground.

  • Clean the container and ensure that it doesn’t have any debris.
  • Place the pebbles and stones in the container. It will hold the moisture in the container for an extended period
  • Lay down the potting soil with the thin layer on the pebbles.
  • Gently press the soil and create a flat surface.
  • Place the weeping moss on the top of the soil and mist the moss with water. Use the spray bottle to pour the water. Seal the container lid and let it grow for a few weeks.

How can I encourage Weeping Moss to spread?

Observe the weeping moss growth. You will notice some top areas where the fresh leaves take place. Direct the plant the way you want by placing it correctly.

Use the cotton thread or the glue to stick the growing part in the position where you can allow it to spread. Weeping moss plant grows faster, you just need to set the direction for the plant, and it will occupy the space within a few weeks.


Reproduction of the weeping moss would be easy if you understood the growth structure of the plant. Mostly, the plant doesn’t need special care. It grows naturally and spreads in the tank in all directions.

It just requires fresh water and UV lights to produce the food. When the condition is met, the plant flourishes and exclusively supports its growth.

By Uswatta Liyanage

Hello. I'm Uswatta Liyanage from Galle, Sri Lanka. I am the founder of this website. Since my childhood I'm an aqua plant lover and I have professionally learned more about aqua plants. So I created this site for share my knowledge and experience with all of you. Now you can refer my site and feel free to contact me if any inquiry.