How to Plant Flame Moss in Substrate? (Attachment Guide)

The Flame Moss or scientifically known as the Taxiphyllum flame belongs to the family of Hypnaceae. This flame moss is mostly seen growing in South and Southeast Asia.

These plants grow in bushes in the rivers of these areas. Compared to the other types of mosses the flame moss has a dark green in look appearance.

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And when put in a tank will grow around 03 to 04 inches vertically in a spiral. Also, the Flame Moss will have a thick and bushy appearance in it when growing.

How to Plant Flame Moss in Substrate
How to Plant Flame Moss in Substrate

Aquarists nowadays use these mosses to decorate aquariums and compared to the other types of mosses these Flame Mosses are easy to grow. They can be grown in different ways in your tank or aquarium.

How to Plant Flame Moss in Substrate?

Flame Moss can be grown on the substrate in your tank or kept floating on the top of the tank. Flame Mosses like other mosses have rhizoids in them. These Rhizoids help these mosses to attach them to any surface and get the nutrients and other factors required for their growth.

So when attaching these moss onto the substrate you can divide them into small parts and leave them within the substrate to attach. Also, you can use glue to attach these mosses to the surface of your tank.

What substrate is the best for Flame Moss?

The Flame Moss can attach itself and grow almost anywhere, therefore there is no specific type of substrate for the Flame Moss to grow. It will grow on any type of substrate in your tank.

What is the best way to grow Flame Moss?

Flame Moss can be grown in the tank attached to a hard surface or kept floating on the top of the tank. The best way to grow Flame Moss in the tank is to attach them to the surface of the tank. This will be beneficial for the moss as well as the other tank mates in the tank.

How to Plant Flame Moss in Substrate After
How to Plant Flame Moss in Substrate After

What is the best fish-friendly way to attach Flame Moss on Substrate?

Flame Moss helps the fish in the tank at the time of breeding as well as provides the small fish in the tank with a hiding place from the larger fish.

But also these Mosses should be grown in the tank in a manner leaving enough space for the fish to live in. So when attaching flame moss onto the substrate it would be better to attach the Flame Moss only to a certain section of the tank leaving space for the fish to have a friendly environment.

Does Flame Moss float or sink?

Flame Moss when put in the tank will float at the top of the tank. It has to be attached to a surface for its rhizoids to attach to the surface and this will take a certain period Moss to attach itself.

Yes, the Flame moss can attach itself to any surface through its rhizoids and grow itself on that surface.

How can I Plant Flame Moss in Substrate?

Growing the Flame Moss in your tank can be done in many ways. Below are some methods that you can use to grow Flame Moss in the tank.


The Flame Moss can be attached to a Driftwood and placed in the tank. After a certain period, the roots of this plant will start to attach towards the driftwood and grow themselves onto the driftwood.


You can also attach the Flame Moss to rock and place it in the tank. This can be done either by gluing the Moss onto the rock or using a mesh or fishing line and tying it to the rock. After a few days, the moss will attach itself to the rock.


Flame Moss can be attached to the Mesh too. The Rhizoids in these mosses with time will attach themselves to the surface after a certain amount of time.

Coconut Shell

The Flame Moss can attach itself to any surface and therefore can be attached to a coconut shell as well and left in the tank. This will be a beautiful addition to the fish tank.

How do I prepare Driftwood to plant Flame Moss?

When preparing the Driftwood for planting a Flame Moss you should see that the wood is enough for the Flame Moss to spread itself nice and beautiful. Trimming of the Flame Moss will help to grow itself healthy on your Drift in the tank.

Can I anchor Flame Moss?

Yes, you can anchor the Flame Moss into the substrate of your tank. After some time the rhizoids of these mosses will attach themselves to the tank.

Can Flame Moss attach to Fabric?

Yes, the rhizoids of the Flame Moss help it to attach itself to almost anywhere, therefore these Mosses can attach themselves to the fabric as well.

What is the best glue to attach Flame Moss?

Among the Glue that can be used to attach the Flame Moss to your Driftwood, Super Glue takes a prominent place. Super Glue will help the Christmas Moss firmly attach to the driftwood without removing itself from it.

How to apply glue to attach Flame Moss to Driftwood?

You can give a thorough cleaning to your Flame Moss, see that the plant is dry enough to be attached with Glue, place the Glue on the Moss and gently place the Moss on the Driftwood.

Can I attach Flame Moss on Driftwood without Glue?

Yes, you can use a mesh or a fishing line to attach the Flame Moss onto the driftwood without using glue. After a certain time, the rhizoids of the Moss will attach to the Driftwood and attach best themselves to the driftwood.

Can I use Super Glue to attach Flame Moss?

When Super Glue meets with your Moss the parts that meet with it will turn white in color and thereafter die out eventually.

Super Glue is one of the best ways to attach the Flame Moss to your wood or rocks in the tank. Therefore when attaching these plants see that all parts of the plant are not met with Super Glue.

Is Super Glue harmful to Flame Moss Aquarium Tank?

Super Glue will be harmful to the Flame Moss, therefore you have to see that the plant does not meet with super glue when attaching the Moss to the Tank.


Flame Moss is a plant when compared to other mosses is easy to be grown. Having the right substrate and providing the minimum requirements of the moss can help to have a healthy and beautiful-looking Flame Moss in the tank.

By Uswatta Liyanage

Hello. I'm Uswatta Liyanage from Galle, Sri Lanka. I am the founder of this website. Since my childhood I'm an aqua plant lover and I have professionally learned more about aqua plants. So I created this site for share my knowledge and experience with all of you. Now you can refer my site and feel free to contact me if any inquiry.